APEST - What About Being Prophetic?

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When we use the word “prophet,” our thinking may go off in two different directions:

  1. A prophet is someone who can tell the future. Almost a soothsayer with a crystal ball.

  2. A prophet is a leader who speaks truth to power.

There might be other ways to think of this word. What might they be? How do we describe a “prophet.?”

Revealing God’s Heart

There are other ways to describe what a prophet is and what a prophet does. In the Hebrew Bible, there are fifteen books of “the prophets.” But there are also the books of Judges, I & II Samuel, and I & II Kings. The Hebrew Bible is filled with prophets who hold kings and the people accountable for their actions.

The New Testament, also has many prophets, but they are less well known. Except, perhaps John the Seer, author of the Apocalypse of John, more commonly called The Book of Revelation. But, there are more. Jesus, Paul, Agabus, and Anna are all described as prophets.

To continue our conversation of characteristics of apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers, we will watch two short videos produced by The Bible Project. And then ponder on the questions:

  1. What is a prophet?

  2. What does the role of prophet have to do with starting (restarting) a church?

How to Read the Bible: The Prophets


Craig Morton
pastor, husband, dad, consultant, discernmentarian, cooking hobbyist, sports-junkie and happy dog owner (both as I have a happy dog and I am happy to have a dog)

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